Tuesday, November 13, 2018

An Interview with a Pumpkin

The "Awesome" classes had a lesson in personification (giving non-human things human traits) as they brainstormed ideas on what it would be like to interview a pumpkin.  We started off studying the life cycle of a pumpkin plant, from seed, to vine leaves and vines, to tendrils, to flowers, to pumpkins!  How would our pumpkins describe the end of their lives?  Each interviewer got to decide!    They also had to make sure to include some of the scientific information they learned about pumpkin growing, as they personified their pumpkins and gave them their own unique voice and mood.

Enjoy these interviews!

An Interview with Mrs. Jack-o-Lantern
By Theo (3rd grade)

Theo: Hello Mr. Jack-o-Lantern, I hope you've had a wonderful  life.  I would like to know all about it.  Will you please tell me?

Mr. Jack-o-Lantern: Well, first of all, when I was a baby, life started off fine.  But later on, when I grew up, stuff started to get bad.

T: Can you please tell me?  I really like your face.

MJ: Well, first it was dark and cozy, and I liked my life as a seed.  But then all of a sudden, I popped out of the ground, and light poured in.  It was bright for me.  Then I saw my other brothers and sisters popping out of the ground like corks!  We all had these seed leaves.

T: Did you ever experience any annoying problems with your brothers and sisters?

MJ: Yes.  When I was trying to sleep, sometimes they started to creep their long green things at me.  It was not fun at all!

T: How did you know you were destined to be a pumpkin? 

MJ: It was because at one point when I was..... I think a teenager, I had this green ball shaped like a pom pom.  It was beautiful!

T: Did any animals help you grow up to be a pumpkin?

MJ: Yes.  The bees.  The bees made my umbrella disappear and helped me grow bigger.  I also started to turn orange.

T: Now can you tell me about your life as an older version?

MJ: Well, first we had to get cut off from that green hair.  I was happy I had those off.  But then they suddenly picked me up and put me into this big moving thing.

T: It's actually called a truck.

MJ: Thanks.  Well, as I was saying, after that I just heart a lot of rumbling and ticking.

T: I think I know what happened after that.

MJ:  Yes.  They started to carve shapes into me.  It hurt!!  But after, when I looked in the mirror, I saw that I was handsome!

T: Yes, I can see that all right.

MJ: Thanks.  But I was happier when they put me on display.  I was excited!

T: Thanks for answering my questions.  I hope you have a lovely Thanksgiving!

An Interview with Miss Pumpkin, by Penelope (4th grade)

Penelope: Thank you so much for coming, Miss Pumpkin!

Miss Pumpkin: Well, I had a very interesting life, so I'm glad to come and tell you about it.  Now, I'm a beautifully carved pumpkin, and I'm feeling nice!

P: So, what was your first experience in life?

MP: I remember I was in this case, and it was extremely dark.

P: Oh dear!  What happened next?

MP: I started growing more, and I got squished a lot!  All my brothers and sisters were getting squished too!  It was horrible.

P: Oh man!  I hope you didn't get hurt, Miss Pumpkin.  What happened after that?

MP: I grew this nice little hair do that I really liked!  But somebody almost stepped on my hair.  Also, there was barely any water!

P: Oh no!  Did anything good ever happen?

MP: Oh yes!  I sang pumpkin songs and got plenty of sunlight and rain.  After that, I felt so good, it warmed my heart!

P: That sounds nice!  What happened next?

MP: I grew a bigger hair do, and my hair stuck out at odd angles.  A lot of people were touching me. Luckily, I got payback, and they got spiked by my hair!  Then I grew a huge golden hair do, and a lot of bees came and landed on my hair!

P: Wow!  What were the last things that happened?

MP: I grew into a bulging pumpkin, and pretty soon, I was picked and carved.  It hurt soooo much to be carved, but in the end, I looked beautiful!

P: Wow!  Well, thank you for coming, Miss Pumpkin!  I am honored!  Please come again!

Interview with Mr. Pump, by Aiden (5th grade)

Aiden: This is Aiden with Mr. Nik Pump, and I have to say, you are not looking so well, Mr. Pump.

Nik Pump: Hello, and also thanks for noticing!  I got left on the porch too long, and this happened!

A: So Mr. Pump, how was life as a seed?

NP: Well, I have to say, it was not enjoyable at all.

A: Why not?

NP: Well, it was very dark, and I didn't know what was going on until I was put in cold mush.

A: Then what happened?

NP: After that, I started growing things called "seed leaves," but I'm pretty sure it was just hair.

A: How did it feel?

NP: It was kind a cold and itchy.

A: So what happened after that?

NP: After that I went through a weird phase.  Vine Leaves.

A: How did that go exactly?

NP: Terrible!  They cut me and were super uncomfortable!

A: That sounds super unpleasant!

NP: Tell me about it!

A: After that terrible experience, I can't imagine anything worse!

NP: Well, there I was, starting to get super fat!

A: Isn't that normal?

NP: No, I'm talking SUPER fat.

A: Wow!  Were you made fun of?

NP: Yeah!  Everyone laughed at me!

A: That is terrible.  Your life so far hasn't seemed too pleasant.

NP: And guess what!  I grew these things called tendrils and they grew everywhere!  They also latched on to everything.

A: Wow!  That sounds absolutely terrible, but I'm sure things began to look up, right?

NP: Nope!

A: What could possibly happen to make this life worse?!

NP: Well, one day after Halloween, I started to smell.  Then it got worse each day.

A: Then what?

NP: I rotted.

A: I can tell!  I'm right next to you!

NP: It was terrible!  I even have bugs crawling on me right now!

A: And because something just bit me, I'm gonna end this interview now.  Thank you for watching XOF news!

Interview with Ms. Luna, by Sophia (5th grade)
Sophia: Thank you Ms...Lumina, for joining us today. You look absolutely gorgeous! I…

Ms.Luna: Actually, call me Ms.Luna. I personally think that the name Ms.Lumina is WAY too common. And yes, I know that I look positively stunning.  Oh, and sorry, what were you saying?

Sophia: Err… I was going to say…

Ms. Luna: Oh I know, you were going to say I look totally gorgeous, and what else were you going to say?

Sophia: I was going to um… ask about your li...

Ms. Luna: Oh, of course, you were going to ask about my life story! Everyone ALWAYS asks how I became so perfectly charming. I was the smallest seed in the bag. It was a very crowded bag, mind you, so there were many other seeds, but no, I had to be the smallest. Really. It was SO ANNOYING. Anyway, a giant peach-colored hand came down from the sky, grabbed me, and unceremoniously shoved me into the brown stuff that I think is called dirt. Or soil. I can never remember what you humans call things. Like, why do you need so many words? Anyway, after like, a REALLY long time, I finally grew some hair. Like, talk about thankful that I didn't have to live the rest of my life HORRIFYINGLY bald. Of course, I parted my new bright green hair down the middle because that was all the rage back then. I dyed my hair brown and gelled it so it sticks straight up a few months ago, and that style seems to have kept its flair as I still have my hair like that today.

Sophia: Should we get back to the um… sto…

 Ms.Luna: Oh! I'm so sorry! I didn't realize I got off track for a sec there. Okay, back to the story. Anyway, after I decided to change my hair color from light green to dark green and let it grow long and spikey(again, fashion trends change quickly), I soon decided to go along with the new trend and wear a short golden skirt like everyone else(that trend went out of style due to all the bees). After that episode, I grew more hair and decided to try and curl it. It turned out that curling my hair was a really bad idea. It kept getting caught on like, EVERYTHING. Oh, and I forgot to mention, I’m pretty sure that it was around that time that my body changed colors from a terrible green color(so not trendy) to the lovely white color I am now. Don't you just LOVE IT!!??

Sophia: Uh...yes I um...do like it…

Ms.Luna: LIKE IT!? It's perfectly stunning and you just say you LIKE IT!!??

Sophia: Um...can we get back to the story…?

Ms.Luna: Oh right, sorry! Anyway, a lot of other pumpkins and I, (though none of them were as pretty as me)got sent to this big place with a lot of other pumpkins and we had price tags carelessly slapped on us. Rude! a bunch of people walked in and one of them, a tall female, picked me up, inspected me(as if I wasn’t good enough already!), and went back to the rest of the group, they bought me and walked out of that messy, cold, and unpleasantly ghastly place. The next day, they did something to me that I think is called carving(again, why so many words?), and I came out like this! End of story.

Sophia: Well, that's a very er… intriguing tale, Ms.Luna. I thank you for coming to...

Ms.Luna: Now, if you would just skip the formalities and move on, I have an appointment with my therapist. So if you would just excuse me, (and I’m sure you will,) I am going to be late. Oh, don’t tell me that my limousine driver is not here yet, he is so unreliable these days. I would expect even a lowly taxi driver to be more respectful!

Sophia: Er...yes, of course…

Mrs.Luna: ANYWAY, I’ve really got to go now. Oh, by the way, faux fur coats and purses are really hot now… just a tip.

Sophia: Um… back to the interview, thank you for taking your precious time…

Mrs.Luna: My VERY precious time, as I am going to rot in just about a month...

Sophia: As I was saying, THANK YOU for taking your precious time to come to this interview. That concludes our meeting today.

Mrs.Luna: Yes, thank you for interviewing me. It has been a real honor or whatever, I HAVE to go now, my makeup is fading and look at the time!

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