Friday, October 21, 2022

Super Sentence Writing

    Another session of workshops is off to a great start!  As we were enjoying some beautiful late summer sunshine, we started off our workshop with a lesson in the importance of grammatical tools in sentence writing.  Our job as writers is to paint the perfect picture in our readers' minds of exactly what we want them to see.  We started off with the sentence: "The sun shines."   This is grammatically a correct sentence, but it doesn't come with any descriptors or details.  So step by step we added:

-2 adjectives

-1 adverb

-a phrase or clause that tells "when"

-a phrase or clause that tells "where"  

    My advanced writers played around with placements of phrases and clauses, to find the best order of their imagery.

    Enjoy these samples from across the grades!

By Joon (2nd grade)


by Kate (3rd grade)

by Daisy (4th grade)

by Armin (5th grade)