Monday, February 20, 2023

Super Sentence Writing!

 No matter what age groups I am teaching, I always love starting new sessions with this important assignment that emphasizes the importance of grammar and painting the perfect picture in the reader's mind by careful placements of clauses and phrases.  We start off by learning that a sentence needs five things to be a complete sentence:

1. A noun (subject)

2. A verb (predicate)

3. A capital letter

4. A mark of punctuation at the end

5. It needs to be a complete thought.

We start with the boring sentence:

The snowflake falls.

From there, we add adjectives, adverbs, phrases and clauses that tell "where," "when," and "why."  My "Awesome" students experiment with the placement of these tools to make the best-sounding sentence possible.  The result is sentences that are as beautiful and unique as snoflakes themselves!  Enjoy these samples across the grades!

by Aanya (1st grade)

by David (1st grade)

by Risha (2nd grade)

by Momo (3rd grade)

by Dana (4th grade)

by Max (5th grade)

by Winston (5th grade)

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