Monday, November 11, 2019

Paragraph Writing: Backwards Animals!

After learning what makes a great sentence, we moved on to paragraph writing.  The theme was variation of sentence patterns, to keep the reader interested.  Our topic?  Spell real animal names backwards!  Then write a paragraph on their habitat, diet, appearance, or personality.  There were five steps the students were to follow:
1. Write an interesting introduction, which includes your animal as the subject, and an expressive adjective in the predicate.
2. Replace your subject with a pronoun, and give a reason to support your first sentence.
3. Continuing to support your topic sentence, make sure this sentence has a super strong verb.
4. Start this sentence with a "where," "when," "while," "because," etc. to vary the sentence patterns.
5. End with a super conclusion that connects to the first sentence!

Kelly Anne (5th grade) spelled "Phoenix" backwards, and imagined this creature in her mind:
       The xineohp is quite magestic.  It has colorful and shiny scales, which appear to be very reflective.  It always tends to its scales very carefully, and polishes the wicked, curved spikes at the bottom of its tail.  When the scales become dirty, the xineohp always remembers to wash them, because for the xineohp, fashion is always first.  Clearly, the xineohp is a unique creature.

     My "Budding Authors and Artists" also came up with some very creative animals!  Being the younger class, they were given sentence starters to use to vary their sentence patterns.  The use of adjectives was emphasized, as you will soon see.  Here are two 3rd graders, Charlize and Kyler.  Their animals are VERY different!

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