Monday, November 11, 2019

Fabulous Sentence Writing

Our first assignment was a fantastic lesson in grammar and sentence structure.  We learned that a sentence only needs five things to be complete:
1. A Noun (Subject)
2. A Verb (Predicate)
3. A Capital Letter
4. A mark of punctuation at the end
5. A complete thought.

But these things alone can lead to very boring sentences, such as this one:
The ocean waves crash.

So, my classes learned to add adjectives, adverbs, "when" phrases and clauses, and "where" phrases and clauses.   The final masterpieces, shown here complete with creative artwork, display how a boring sentence can be turned into an exciting one if you know the tools to use!

"The calm and shining ocean waves crash smoothly against the soft, gleaming beach when it's summer break."
By Emma (4th grade)

 "On the bright sunny day, the small shiny ocean waves crash quietly against the pale sand bank."
by Clara (5th grade)

"At sunset, as the birds fly through the clouds, the smooth, glistening ocean waves crash gently onto the soft pale sand."
By Lia (6th grade)

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