Here's how you play:
Step 1: Draw a snowman and a winter scene.
Step 2: Describe your snowman with.... You guessed it! ADJECTIVES, ADJECTIVES, ADJECTIVES! Describe size, shape, color, and number with every sentence! Organize your writing into paragraphs, so it is easier for your partner to read and comprehend.
Step 3: If you did Step 2 well, you will be able to hand your description to a partner, and they will be able to draw your picture almost exactly!
Winners were voted on by the classes. It was an exciting competition. In fact, all three of my schools had ties, so you are getting a treat seeing SIX sets of work! Enjoy!
My Snowman, by Tyler (5th grade)
My snowman is handsome. He is made up of three snowballs. The top one is medium sized, the middle one is big, and the bottom one is very large. The page is vertical.
He wears a black top hat with a small orange triangle on the top of the hat. He has two small black coal eyes. He has a pickle nose facing towards your right. It is medium-sized. Finally, he has eight small coal dots for a mouth stretching across his big smiling face.
My snowman has three black small dots for buttons in the middle ball going down vertically. He wears a blue open vest about one inch from the buttons. My snowman has two big stick brown arms with three twigs for fingers. On his right arm he is holding a pure red candy cane. On his left arm, he is holding a medium black sized box that says, "Cold Coco Mix Starbucks Special."
He has nothing on his bottom ball.
There is a 1 1/2 inch amount of green grass underneath him. There are two sweat marks on each side of him, near the head. In the sky, there are two inches of blue sky coming down. In your right, put a medium sun in the corner.
Can you draw my snowman?
Tyler and AnaRose (5th grade) are pro's at this game. As partners, they have won before with Monster Draw! Careful writing by Tyler and excellent reading comprehension skills from AnaRose led to this twin!
Natalie's Snowman (4th grade)
My snowman has two balls. The top one is a medium-size ball, and the bottom is huge.
The head of my snowman has blue ear muffs that are really fluffy, and you can see the texture. It also has two medium-sized coal eyeballs, and seven small coal pieces for the mouth. It also has a medium-sized orange carrot for the nose.
The bottom ball has a pink coat that has three buttons. The one nearest to the first ball is small, the next one is medium size, and the last one is big. It is holding a cold cup of cocoa ON YOUR LEFT. It has red medium boots.
In the background, six snowflakes are in the air. The one on YOUR LEFT is small. The one below that is big, then below that is a medium one. ON YOUR RIGHT it goes medium, small, big snowflakes. My snowman is standing on the gray sidewalk, with a front yard but NO house. Since there is snow, there are little bits of grass sticking out four on each side. That's how you make it.
This 4th grade team got a lot of votes from the class! Shijun (4th grade) did a great job with careful reading, and Natalie of course wrote very clearly:
Vanessa's Snowman (4th grade)
My snowman has three circles, like an original snowman. The first circle is small, then the middle circle is medium, and the bottom is large.
In the small circle, there are two black eyes, an orange carrot nose where the pointy side is pointing right, and six dots for a smile. At the top of the small circle, there is a Santa Claus hat. The original colors, red and white.
In the middle circle, there is a bow tie that is purple and three vertical circles that are blue. On the outside of the middle circle, there are two sticks. The right one is pointing at the top right corner, and the left one is pointing to the top left. For both the sticks, draw two orange mittens at the top of the two sticks.
In the large circle, there is nothing and it is empty.
Outline the body of the snowman pink.
The background has a pine tree on the right side. The leaves are green and the trunk is brown. On the left side, draw a cabin. The normal square that is brown and a triangle on the top, which is red. Then draw one door in the middle of the square, but make sure it is on the bottom. Color the door red. Then draw four small snowballs falling down and four on the other side. Outline the snowballs green.

Vanessa is a very careful writer, and she gets very competitive, in a fun way, with this game! Theo (4th grade) is very experienced with this game, and read very carefully to come up with this!
Emma's Snowman (4th grade)
My snowcat is cute and adorable. Her body and head are made of three snowballs: a slightly smaller one on top, a medium size one in the middle, and a large one on the bottom. She is white.
She wears a pink bow (like Hello Kitty) and has cat ears that are quite sharp. She has two perfectly round coal eyes (set in the spot human eyes are). They are black, Twi slightly drooping, long whiskers on either side of the face (four whiskers in total!). She has a cat mouth with no nose.
She is wearing a fat yellow scarf that is just below her head, and she has two 1-inch arms with three short fingers on each arm. There is NO vest or buttons or mittens.
She has no boots or anything near her feet. (Her feet are not visible.)
The snow cat is traced, but not colored in gold. The outside of the ears, head, middle, and bottom are all traced with gold.
The snow below her is white. There is one green pine tree with brown trunks on either side (two trees in total) with a star on top of each tree. There is a sun at the right side of the paper, and the sky is blue.
Emma's snowcat is so cute! Allie (4th grade) drew an adorable match!
Lia's Snowman (6th grade)
My snowman has only two balls. The balls, not the details, are all white.
My snowman's body is 1/3 of the page. It I about one inch from the bottom. There is a line across the middle of the body. The TOP half is two suspenders. There are two smallish, ant-sized buttons that are circular. The buttons are black. The buttons are in the middle going vertically. The suspenders are teal with a thick black line going through the middle of it. (Not huge though.)
The bottom half of my snowman's bottom ball has a pocket half the width of the bottom ball. The pocket is in the middle of the bottom half. In the pocket is a second pocket that is half the size of the first pocket. The color of the pants (not pocket) is mauve. On the pockets, there is a medium-sized strip on the top of the pocket (for both pockets). The color of the first pocket is raspberry. The strip on the top is magenta (press hard.). The second pocket is magenta, with a a navy blue strip.
There are two arms coming from each side of the snowman, sprouting from the middle line of the bottom ball. From each size is three fingers. The arms are black.
The head is half the size of the bottom ball. In the middle, spread evenly, are two eyes. The eye are the same shape as buttons. There is a pig nose (with two nostrils) halfway from eyes to the bottom of the head. There are also two pig/cat ears on its head. These are both bubble gum pink. The snowman has two whiskers coming from close to its nose (not touching). The whiskers go to just out of its head ball, a tiny bit.). The whiskers are black. From between the two ears, is a small black top hat.
From where its neck would be is a scarf that goes around its head once. It comes out on your right. There are six tassels coming from the end of the scarf. The scarf is slate colored.
There is a sun on your left. The sun is half the size of the head ball. There are eight rays spread proportionally around the sun. The sun is mango colored.
Wow! Lia wrote so carefully, that her partner Angela (5th grade) came up with this. (I am impressed she got that pocket right!)
Jennifer's Snowman (6th grade)
My snowman is happy and likes summer. His body is two snowballs in the middle of the page. The bottom snowball is bigger.
He is wearing a beach hat that is yellow with an orange ribbon. There are pencil colored sunglasses on the orange ribbon. He has two pencil colored coal eyes and four coals for the mouth. He has an orange nose pointing to the right.
He is wearing a scarf. There are two stripes on each side, and the left stripes on top go up left, and the ones on the right go up right. The outer stripe is red, and the inner stripe is purple. The center is blue with a sun. The middle of the sun is orange, and the rays are yellow. His body is just white. His arms are brown with three fingers. The right arm is diagonally pointing up.
His legs are two round circles that partially go into his body. They are about one inch apart.
The snow on the left covers half the page, and it goes higher into a hill on the right. The sky is blue with circle snowballs falling. There is a big umbrella to the left. The umbrella bottom is not straight; it is curvy. It should have six bumps, in red, yellow green, blue color order. He is sitting on a horizontally long mat with vertical stripes that go yellow, green, yellow, green etc. There are 14 stripes. There is a beach ball on the bottom left side of the paper. There are eight sections on the ball. The color order goes red, blue, purple, blue, repeat. On the right, there is a red beach bucket and a plastic shovel half buried in a mound of snow.
WOW! The class and I were very impressed with the amazing detail in Jennifer's art. She wrote very carefully, and Veronica (6th grade) read very carefully! Look at this cute twin!
Congratulations to our winners!
The "Budding Authors and Artists" class played the game a little differently. Their game was a guessing game. After drawing their snowman, they worked on a "Help Sheet" that had them fill out Size, Shape, Color, and Number Adjectives for everything in their picture. They were then guided into forming interesting sentences for each feature. When I read these aloud to the class, the students were to pick the picture hanging on the board that matched the description.
This session, every single picture was guessed the first time! That means that we had some EXCELLENT writers who were very thorough and descriptive! Enjoy these samples.
My snowman is made up of three big snowballs with blue shadings. It has round, black eyes. Its nose is yellow-orange, and cone-shaped. It has a long, medium mouth with six dots slanting up to the right. On the top its head, it has a half-oval green and orange hat with a purple puff. My snowman has long, brown, skinny arms. I love its clothing! It is wearing five buttons made out of coal. The background has a bright, yellow crescent moon, and an icy ground. I think my snowman is awesome!
Candice, 3rd grade
My snowman is made up of three round snowballs. It has two black circular eyes. Its nose is triangular and orange. It has a big black mouth with a smile of nine dots. On the top of its head, it has a red, large hat. My snowman has two skinny long black arms. I love its clothing! It is wearing purple medium-sized mittens. The background has a brown cottage. I think my snowman is wonderful!
Yanbing, 2nd grade
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