Thursday, November 14, 2019

Noun Poems

They "Budding" class had a fun lesson in Nouns (Proper and Common) when they surprised themselves filling in the blank for these fun noun poems!  First, they came up with nouns without knowing the context of their answers.  Then, we filled them in in the order they were given.  Enjoy these two fun samples!
by Leah (1st grade)

by Matthew (2nd grade)

Pumpkin Guessing Game

     The "Budding" class got to design jack-o-lanterns, and then learn how to use descriptive words (adjectives!) to describe size, shape, color, and number.  All art work was hung on the board, and after reading descriptions, the students got to guess which pumpkin was which.  If their pumpkin was guessed first, it meant that they were an excellent writer and describer!  Enjoy this one by Isabella (2nd grade):

If I Were An Animal....

     The "Budding Authors and Artists" class got to imagine what it would be like to be an animal of their choice for the day.  They brainstormed by answering many questions about what they would eat, where they would live, who would be their friends, and more!  Enjoy this piece by Seoyoon (2nd grade).

Monster Draw!

Adjectives, adjectives, adjectives!  They tell size, shape, color, and number.  And if you don't include them, your reader will get an incomplete picture in their mind of what you are trying to describe!  That was the theme of our On Demand Writing Game, "Monster Draw."  Here is how you play:

Step 1: Draw a monster, complete with background if you have time.
Step 2: Describe every aspect of your monster and background.  Don't leave out a single detail!  Because....
Step 3: Trade descriptions with a partner.  Now you will draw each other's ONLY by reading what they have written.  No talking or asking questions allowed!
As you can see, this game gives students instant feedback about their ability to use detail in their writing.  We all had some good laughs as pictures were compared near Halloween Day.  The winners were voted on by the class.  Enjoy!

Kevin's Monster (5th grade)
     My monster's head is a triangular slice of pizza.  The slice is pointed down.  The crust is brown.  The pizza is cheese flavored, so it is yellow cheese.  There are three pieces of pepperoni.  The pepperoni is red.  There is one in the upper left corner (not on the crust), one on the upper right corner (not on the crust), and one on the point of the pizza.  It also has two, blue, triangular ears on top of the crust.  Its head hovers a little over the body.

     Its body is a pumpkin with the top cut off.  The pumpkin is orange.  It also has a green BOO cut out in the center of the pumpkin.  It has two stick arms, one on each side of the pumpkin.  The arms are pink.  It has three fingers on both stick arms.  Its feet are black springs.  It has two feet below the pumpkin.

     It is standing on green grass.  The grass is cut, so there are thirteen triangles sticking up on flat grass.

Kevin must've been in a hungry Halloween mood this day!  He described his creative monster so carefully, that Lia (6th grade) was able to draw this:
AnaRose's Monster (5th grade)
     My monster is a cat.  It has four ears in a row on the top of its head.  The outside of the ears are yellow, and the inside is aqua green.  The eyes are aqua green, and are thin slits.  The nose is at the bottom of the face and is also aqua green.  A tongue is sticking out, and is yellow.  In the middle of the tongue, there is a small black line going down.  In a dark black, it seems to be smiling.  The rest of the face is black.  The mouth is darker than the face.  The face is facing you, and the cat is sitting.

     Right underneath the head is a collar.  It is aqua green, and the tag is a pyramid.  It has six lines across, including the end of the pyramid.  On the top, it has two blocks, and in the second row, there are three.  You add one block for each row.  On the body, you can only see the front leg and the back leg.  On the front paw, you can see two aqua green claws, one high and the other low.  On the back paw, you can only see one aqua green claw.  It is low on the paw.  The rest of the body is white.

     The tail is cured near the end of it.  It is thin, but grows bigger as it goes.  On the curve part, there is a section that is yellow with aqua green wavy lines.  There are five in total.  The rest of the tail is black.

     The cat is sitting on a pillar that goes to the end of the page, which shouldn't be a lot.  The cat is sitting on a platform that is black.  Its width is only as big as the paw, and a little more.  In the middle of the pillar part, there is a pyramid just like the tag, except bigger.  On the left high side, there are wavy aqua green lines that go diagonally to the bottom right side.  There are twelve lines in total.  The wavy lines don't go over the pyramid.

     In the background, there are six stars.  There are three on the left side of the cat, and three on the right side of the cat.  The first star on the left is about one inch taller than the first star on the right.  All stars are yellow.  The second star is bigger than the first, and is a little bit away from where the side of the face is.  It is even with the start of the eye, but the top half is higher than the eye.  The third star is a little bit higher than the front paw, and it is small, and about a little bit over an inch away from the leg.

     The first star on the right side of the cat is lower than the first star on the left.  It is about the same size though.  It is about an inch away from the head, and the top of the star ends about an inch away from the tip of the ear, but it is not right over it.  The second star is in between the space of the body and the tail.  It is the same size as the first star, and the middle of it is even with the end of the tail that is not black.  The third star is even with the pyramid on the pillar.  It is about an inch and a half away from the pillar.  The bottom of the star is where the tip of the pyramid is.  The star is medium-sized.

     Can you draw it?

Wow!  I've never seen such a detailed description of a background before!  Tyler (5th grade) really took his time, read carefully, and came up with this!  The class decided that, even though the art styles are different, they turned out super close!

Theo's Monster (Grade 4)
     My monster's head starts from the middle of the page.  The head is medium sized, orange, and shaped like a Pac-Man.  It has a small triangle eye which is yellow with a green pupil.  It has two green oval ears.  The mouth of the Pac-Man face has two long yellow teeth.  The Pac-Man is facing to the right side.

     The body is a rectangle, with the corner cut off, and it is orange.  It has a big blue question mark in the middle of the body.  The two arms are long, yellow, robot arms.  The arms have yellow pinchers at the tips.

     The legs have no feet.  They are stubby and green.  They are long ovals.  They have spikes on each side of the legs.  There are two legs.

     There is a bush on the left side, which is green.  On the right side, there is a big gray rock with a little brown squirrel on top of it.  The sky is purplish-blue.
Careful reading by partner James (4th grade) led to this twin monster!

Congratulations to our winners!!

Monday, November 11, 2019

Backwards Animal Research Papers

For our third assignment, we took the concept of paragraph writing, and then applied that skill to writing a Research Paper on our Backwards Animal.  Research papers can be very daunting to students, but teaching them to have the fundamental outlining skills required for organization is key.  They learned a research paper is simply:
1. Introduction
2. Body Paragraphs 1-3
3. Conclusion
Their body paragraphs were to include the same themes from assignment #2: habitat, diet, appearance, or personality.  And the research came straight from their imaginations!

Enjoy learning about animals you never knew were possible!  And make sure you quiz yourself and figure out what these animals' names are forward!

The Nihplod, by Natalie (4th grade)

     The nihplod is a unique animal.  It has a beautiful appearance, but strange diet.  It has a huge habitat.  It is very fun to study its lifestyle.

     The nihplod is cute and fluffy.  Its fur is pink, purple, and light blue.  The nihplod has big strong wings to soar.  When it sees someone, it flies away, because it gets scared by noise.The nihplod is adorably small and soft.  

     The nihplod eats a lot of berries.  It picks fruit with its cute mouth.  The nihplod loves mangoes, and they are easy to eat for the nihplod.  It likes apples, but apples are too hard.  So, people need to cut up small slices of apples for the nihplod.

     The nihplod has a huge habitat.  It is hidden in the clouds, so it is hard to find.  Inside the cloud, there is a pink sky with beautiful colorful rainbows above the pool.  The pool can turn warm and cool depending on how the nihplod is feeling.  The rainbow illuminates lots of colors, which makes its habitat look pretty.

     The nihplod is a really fascinating animal.  It has a pretty appearance and strange diet.  The big habitat is very interesting.  One day, I want to see a nihplod.

The Natugnaro, by Drew (5th grade)
     The natugnaro is fierce.  It looks like a plant, but acts nothing like it.  If you encounter a natugnaro, your best chance to survive is to run, or stay very still.  However, a natugnaro is very patient, so you'll probably be there for over a day.  Because the natugnaro is fast and aggressive, it doesn't have that many friends.  This animal is so ridiculously strong and fierce that you don't want to mess with it.

     A natugnaro's diet is unlike any other animal's diet.  Its most adored food is pizza.  It loves to have mushrooms, sausage, and ham on its pizza.  However, you can only find pizza in a building, so that's when it uses its amazing speed to flash inside the building, and then flash out.  All in all, the natugnaro has a truly unique diet, and will probably not change any time soon.

     A natugnaro is as strong as a tree stump, so if you try to knock it over, you'll probably end up being knocked over instead.  Not even an elephant tries to stomp on it.  It can lift about two tons.  Its main competitor is the adnap.  The natugnaro has a green body and an orange head.  It's pretty short-- about two feet tall to be exact.

     The natugnaro lives in the Amazon Rainforests.  Its favorite spot in the forest is by the Amazon River.  It practically owns the place, wherever it goes, because nothing wants to stand up to it.

     The natugnaro is truly an amazing animal.  It is one that I hope everyone will love.

Paragraph Writing: Backwards Animals!

After learning what makes a great sentence, we moved on to paragraph writing.  The theme was variation of sentence patterns, to keep the reader interested.  Our topic?  Spell real animal names backwards!  Then write a paragraph on their habitat, diet, appearance, or personality.  There were five steps the students were to follow:
1. Write an interesting introduction, which includes your animal as the subject, and an expressive adjective in the predicate.
2. Replace your subject with a pronoun, and give a reason to support your first sentence.
3. Continuing to support your topic sentence, make sure this sentence has a super strong verb.
4. Start this sentence with a "where," "when," "while," "because," etc. to vary the sentence patterns.
5. End with a super conclusion that connects to the first sentence!

Kelly Anne (5th grade) spelled "Phoenix" backwards, and imagined this creature in her mind:
       The xineohp is quite magestic.  It has colorful and shiny scales, which appear to be very reflective.  It always tends to its scales very carefully, and polishes the wicked, curved spikes at the bottom of its tail.  When the scales become dirty, the xineohp always remembers to wash them, because for the xineohp, fashion is always first.  Clearly, the xineohp is a unique creature.

     My "Budding Authors and Artists" also came up with some very creative animals!  Being the younger class, they were given sentence starters to use to vary their sentence patterns.  The use of adjectives was emphasized, as you will soon see.  Here are two 3rd graders, Charlize and Kyler.  Their animals are VERY different!

Fabulous Sentence Writing

Our first assignment was a fantastic lesson in grammar and sentence structure.  We learned that a sentence only needs five things to be complete:
1. A Noun (Subject)
2. A Verb (Predicate)
3. A Capital Letter
4. A mark of punctuation at the end
5. A complete thought.

But these things alone can lead to very boring sentences, such as this one:
The ocean waves crash.

So, my classes learned to add adjectives, adverbs, "when" phrases and clauses, and "where" phrases and clauses.   The final masterpieces, shown here complete with creative artwork, display how a boring sentence can be turned into an exciting one if you know the tools to use!

"The calm and shining ocean waves crash smoothly against the soft, gleaming beach when it's summer break."
By Emma (4th grade)

 "On the bright sunny day, the small shiny ocean waves crash quietly against the pale sand bank."
by Clara (5th grade)

"At sunset, as the birds fly through the clouds, the smooth, glistening ocean waves crash gently onto the soft pale sand."
By Lia (6th grade)