Monday, February 26, 2024

Superb Sentence Writing

 One of the most important lessons we do for the year is learning how to make boring sentences into exciting ones.  We learn that a sentence needs to have five things to be a grammatically correct sentence:

~ A capital letter at the beginning

~ A mark of punctuation at the end

~ A subject, or noun

~ A predicate, or verb

~ A complete thought

We start off with the grammatically correct, but boring sentence:

The snowflake falls.

Then, we add adjectives, adverbs, prepositional phrases, and dependent clauses to create the perfect picture in our readers' minds of exactly what we want them to see.  Each sentence ends up being as unique as snowflakes themselves!

  We refer to this assignment often, as we try to improve any "boring" sentences that creep into our writing on longer assignments.  With this foundation of grammatical concepts, we are ready to apply all we've learned on future longer pieces!

Enjoy these samples across the grades!

1st grade sample to come

The purple, beautiful, pretty and cute snowflake falls slowly in Lake Tahoe in a soft field at 10:00 at night.
By Emily (2nd grade)

As the sun awakens, an intricate graceful snowflake delicately falls down on a sugary plot of snow.
By Ella, 3rd grade

The spectacular white snowflake falls gracefully at the crack of dawn where two icy rivers meet.
By Adelynn, 4th grade

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