Sunday, November 6, 2022

Powerful Paragraphs!

 After exploring sentence writing, we moved on to paragraphs.  The "Budding Authors and Artists" (grades 1-3) spelled the names of animals backwards, and the "Awesome Authors and Artists" (grades 3-6) spelled the names of places backwards.  Both groups were taught the importance of varying sentence styles and starters, with the "Awesome" students following a precise recipe for 5 distinctly different and interesting sentences.  Enjoy these samples from across the grades, and see if you can figure out what the original animals and places were spelled forward!!

The Drazil, by Rhys (1st grade)

The Arbez, by Vivia (2nd grade)

The Krots, by Liam (3rd grade)

Assure, by Liam (4th grade)

        Assure is a very prestigious land.  It has a variety of cultures, foods, and people.  Because it's very fancy, the people enjoy classical music with books and seperc (editor's note: "crepes" backwards!), which is Aissurian native food.  In the mornings, doves who are owned by Sruatnec (editor's note: "Centaurs" backwards!), a tribe of the outer regions, wake the people up with their beautiful cooing.  As you can see, if you want to have a peaceful vacation, Aissur is the place for you and your family.

The Land oF Emor, by Emily (5th grade)

        Emor is a land of fantasy.  It has magic everywhere, and gnomes, phoenixes, and hippogriffs populat the vast greenlands.  Whenever the people of Emor go outside, they will see phoenixes flying in the brilliant blue sky, the ends of rainbows with pots of gold, and wizards creating fireworks with their wands.  In the morning, phoenixes wake the people of Emor up with their beautiful, clear voices.  Emor is definitely a magical land for relaxation and great adventures.

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