Sunday, February 27, 2022

Superb Sentences

 We started off a fabulous session of "Authors and Artists Club" with an important lesson in grammar.  One of the most important themes students learn in my workshops is the concept of painting the perfect picture in their readers' minds of exactly what they want them to see.  How do we accomplish that?  Through grammar, of course!  Adjectives, adverbs, clauses and phrases that tell where and when... all are crucial for superb descriptive sentence writing.

We started off with a boring sentence, "The snowflake falls."  Look at how these 4th graders improved and made their sentences as unique as snowflakes truly are!

Slowly, the unique, beautiful, crystal-like snowflake falls on to a baby seal's little flipper as the winter festival begins at the South Pole.
by Katherine, 4th grade

Because it is winter, the sharp, gelid, crisp, and subzero snowflake falls gracefully on to the frigid igloors up north, while the fierce gusts blast the land.
by Zibo, 4th grade

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