Thursday, June 18, 2020

Persuasive Writing: Olympic Sports Fun

     Every Olympic year, I always do this assignment with my classes.  Just because the Olympics were canceled this year due to Covid-19, that doesn't mean we have to lose the fun of this project!  The students were to come up with a new Olympic sport by combining two well-known sports.  They then had the task of convincing the Olympic Board of Directors that their crazy new sport just HAD to be included in the next Olympic Games!  This is where the persuasive writing element came in!

     Here is the outline they followed:
I. Brief intro and compliment to the board (everyone likes to be complimented before they are persuaded to do something!)
2. Name the sport, and describe it in a basic way
3. Greater detail on the sport.  The more descriptive language, the more convincing it will be!
4. The benefits to adding the sport.  Think fame, fortune, and opportunities!
5. A fabulous conclusion that leaves the reader with a new perspective that this sport just might work!

     Enjoy these fabulous examples!
                                                            Golfski, by AnaRose (6th grade)

Dear Olympics Board of Commissioners,

    Before I start this letter, I would like to thank you for your commitment, accomplishments, great performances, and your hard work to make these Olympics happen. Thank you again.

    I am writing this letter to you in hopes that you will accept this new sport. It is called Golfski. This sport is a mix of golf and freestyle skiing. I believe that combining these two sports and putting them into the Olympics would be outstanding. It could benefit all of us in many ways.

     Let me also explain the rules to playing. There are twelve  different ski slopes that are needed in each game. In the beginning you will hit a golf ball, and then give your clubs to your caddy, who may walk, use a snowmobile, or another form of transportation that can be used in snow. On the way to your ball, you must overcome all of the obstacles. At the bottom of each slope, there will be an ice hole in which you will put the ball. You may also not move your ball or stop your ball from moving. On each hole, you will keep track of your strokes.  This is how the winner will be determined. Whoever has the fewest strokes after all twelve holes, shall be the winner. 

    This game is an individual sport, so each player would comprise his or her own team. The player and caddy will be given the same color, and that color shall represent the participant . This sport can be played in any ski resort, as long as the twelve holes chosen are long enough to have obstacles, a golf ball hit several times, and an ice hole at the end. Also, to be fair, boys’ and girls’ competitions shall be separate, because they have a different amount of strength to hit the ball.

    Think of the many benefits of Golfski. It could be a new fun sport that could be started at almost any age. In fact, this sport could become very well known, which may cause more people to participate. Athletes could achieve great fame playing this challenging sport. The number of players could increase, creating  more business for both ski resorts and golf club companies. Last of all, this sport could inspire all people to stay in shape and avoid becoming couch potatoes, as they try an exciting, challenging new sport.


   I hope you shall now consider adding Golfski to the amazing assortment of the next winter Olympic sports. It could be a marvelous success and lead to many new opportunities.

                                            Rugglett on Ice, by James (5th grade)

Dear Olympic Board of Commissioners,

Thank you for being awesome and brilliant people. You have been an amazing part of people's lives.

I want you to consider a new sports I made up. The name of my new sport is called "Ruglett on Ice." It combined rugby and ballet. The players play on a thin sheet of ice. It is basically the rules of rugby and football combined with ballet.

Here are the rules. The players can not walk or run; they have to perform ballet across the ice. The players must also tackle the person on the other team with the ball as fast as they can. Six points are awarded when a touchdown is made.

The uniforms are ballet shoes, a tutu, football pants, a rugby jersey, and a top hat.

The sport is played on thin ice, so the players can fall in at any moment. If the players lose, they get dunked in the water.

The benefits of adding my sport is that it will make people laugh, and it will also bring people together. The players also get 15 million dollars a year. This sport will sell a ton of tickets.

In conclusion, many people will want to play Ruglett, and it will also be a great opportunity for everyone!

                                                              Hoop Skating, by Olivia (6th grade)

Dear Olympic Board of Commissions,

      First of all,  congratulations on the past Olympic sports competitions. You all know we love Olympic sports. You have the best Olympics of all times so you should feel proud. I am so sorry to hear about canceling the Olympics due to the Coronavirus, but there's always next time.

    I'm writing to you today because I have an idea about a sport for the next Olympics. The game is called “hoop skating”. Combining two sports would make one outstanding sport!

 I will explain this new sport now. This new game, combining basketball and skateboarding, will be basketball played on skateboards! There will be puppies also playing and riding on skateboards too. Here are the rules: There are 10 team members on each team. Five people and five puppies are on each team. If the puppy scores, the team gets two points, but if a human scores they get one point . Also kids can't guard the grown-ups. All the dogs have to be from the animal shelter and can be adopted. People who work at the animal shelter will bring you five dogs for each team.

 The benefits of adding my sport are: the dog can get adopted so they can have their forever home! Also, kids will play too so the grown-ups will pay and you will get a lot of money. A lot of people will buy tickets, because it's an interesting sport. Who sees dogs play in the Olympics, right? So you will make a lot of money.

 I do hope you will consider adding my sport, because if you love dogs, basketball and skateboarding, you will put this in the next Olympics!



                                                            Volleynastics, by Clara (6th grade)

To the Olympic Board of Commissioners:

      I would like to congratulate you on your many successful Olympics before this. There were many opportunities and great accomplishments in the games before 2020, when coronavirus unfortunately canceled the excitement of the Olympic Games.

      If the next games are not cancelled, then a new game I have created will bring some of that excitement back! It is called “Volleynastics.” This new sport combines beach volleyball and gymnastics, and is sure to be a thrill to watch and play.

      Volleynastics has a few rules. The first rule is that the first team to get to 25 points wins. You are allowed to have only three hits on the side, and this is a girls only game. To add the gymnastics element, players could flip before hitting the ball to earn two extra points. Doing a cartwheel before a serve can earn one extra point. A back handspring any time in a rally will result in five extra points. This game is also played on a sand court. The uniforms are a traditional gymnastics unitard, decorated in the colors of the country the player is representing. Players can also get extra points if they put sparkles on their uniforms.

      There are many benefits to adding my sport. Ticket sales will go up because more people will want to see the new game, and there will be more opportunities for athletes, new or old. There will also be lots of entertainment for everybody, more jobs, and more money.

      I hope you consider “Volleynastics” with an open mind to help make people happy during this time period.



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