Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Great Inventions!

     After our study of Thomas Edison, we wrote 5-paragraph essays describing an invention we came up with ourselves!  I love witnessing the students' growth in this project over the years.  Many times, they start off as younger students with quite self-centered inventions, but as they get older, they create inventions that will help the world!  I hope we can see these inventions come to reality in my lifetime!  
     How did these amazing essays come to be?  The following outline:
1. Name your product and briefly describe it
2. Greater detail about how your product works
3. Whom it would help
4. Cool features and extra details
5. An awesome conclusion with a "sell it" sentence at the end

                                                   The Provision Provider, by Claire (5th grade)
Many of us have dreamed of inventing different objects that might just change the world forever. I am one of the many. Poverty has grown to be a serious issue in this world, and my invention would benefit this situation. This particular invention is called “The Provision Provider”, and it would provide supplies for survival and thrival when you do not have a home or a place to go at night when the day is done.
This useful invention appears to be an everyday briefcase on the outside, though it withholds wonders on the inside. It contains a collapsible tent which can be set up in any location for shelter along with sleeping bags, pillows, and blankets. Upon the pressing of a button, a secret compartment opens to show a bag of unlimited food and a bottle of unlimited clean, fresh water. Another one of the many resources this helpful invention provides is a kit of basic medical care treatment. Common medical objects such as band-aids, basic medicines, bandages, and ice packs are included in the kit as well as fresh, clean clothes that will forever replenish. Additionally, this briefcase would give each of its clients a manual to help train them in different jobs. Also listed inside the manual are business contacts and employers to assist clients in finding careers and to get them back on their feet. For children, there are also little toys and stuffed animals along with education fees for school. 
This invention would help much of our population, decreasing the rates of poverty and homelessness in all parts of the world. We would have a better economy, with more people working, and the entire population of Earth could thrive, instead of simply a handful of fortunate ones.  
Every human being on this planet would be able to afford one of these, as they do not cost any money, though the magic only works for ones who are truly in need. For the rest of us, this invention acts like a regular briefcase. Special features such as a shower, a tiny, collapsable house, and pre-paid doctor’s bills cost only five dollars together. This invention would be available in market stands all around the world for anybody. It would be sold with different options of briefcase colors/patterns, blanket colors/patterns, pillow colors/patterns, tent colors/patterns, etc. and toy varieties. 
This wonderful invention is sure to benefit people of all ages and status. End a dark, cold, and gloomy life in the alleyways today. Purchase the Provision Provider and improve lives with one single briefcase!

My Invention: Corona Candy

by Lia (6th grade)

Recently, our lives have been drastically changed by the deadly coronavirus.  Because of this, scientists are scrambling to make an effective, yet delicious medicine to cure it.  This newly created Corona Candy instantly removes the vicious germs, leaving the patients healthy and strong.
This Corona Candy would not only be much less painful than a shot and much better-tasting than a pill, but would also have no additional side effects.  Corona Candy uses a special mixture of Ruthenium and Zirconium stirred at exactly 42.76 degrees Fahrenheit.  This results in a sponge-like chemical reaction that takes away only the malignant, harmful germs, yet leaving the thriving cells perfectly intact.
Corona Candy will help the many people around the world who have the horrible coronavirus.  This quick cure will lead to a once-again prosperous country.
Coming in many different sized boxes, Corona Candy comes in packages large enough for a whole country.  Its cheap cost at $1 for twelve gummies makes it accessible to all.
Our world is in dire need of help because of this new and hazardous pandemic. Eat a sweet treat for a simple cure!
A Wonderful Peppermint Stick, by Marissa (5th grade)
Have you ever heard an animal make their animal sound, and then wonder what it is saying? Now thanks to this wonderful peppermint you will be able to talk to them!  Just think of an animal and take a suck.  Alacazam, Alakazoo, your wish will come  true!
    This magical power is easy to get when you use this invention.  First,think of an animal. Then with that animal in your head, just take a suck of the peppermint stick.  Next, try and speak to the animal you were thinking of.  You will end up talking and understanding its language.  Just remember: one suck lasts thirty minutes.  
    This amazing invention would help veterinarians and zookeepers understand their patients. This would also be fun entertainment for anyone who has a pet, is visiting the zoo, or taking a nature walk.  .  Want to know what a dog’s bark means?  Easy! What do cats mean when they roll over and meow?  Now you’ll know! A little itty bitty ant? Sure you can talk to it, but make sure not to step on it.   Giagantor Dinosaur? If they still existed, yep! You would have the power to talk to any animal.
    This peppermint costs only $14.99.  The price is $50 for a pack of five sticks.  For veterinarians and zookeepers, this invention would be free! This peppermint stick also comes in any flavor popsicle, for anyone who doesn’t care for a minty flavor.  There is one more amazing feature of this invention: if you feed it to your pet, they can speak human for thirty minutes!
    This peppermint stick can turn anyone into a polyglot. Next time you wonder what an animal is saying, pop a peppermint stick in your mouth and talk to them to find out for yourself!

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