Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Persuasive Writing: Olympic Fever!

For three weeks, my classes loved discussing the Olympics and all of the amazing performances, stunts, successes, and tragedies they witnessed.  This inspired a very fun writing assignment.

The students were to brainstorm what it would be like to combine TWO Olympic sports into one amazing, outrageous new game.  Both the Beginning and the Advanced classes had to think of the following ideas:

~ A clever name
~ How the two sports would be combined
~ Rules/scoring

The "Awesome Authors and Artists" had to take it a step further.  They were to turn their ideas into a persuasive letter to the Olympic Board of Commissioners.  They needed to "sell" their sport and describe its benefits so clearly that... who knows??  Maybe we would see it in the next 2-4 years!

Enjoy these fantastic samples!

To the Board of Commissioners,

     To begin, after witnessing the recent 2014 Olympic Games in Sochi, Russia,
I was stunned and shocked to watch the breathtaking events. People all over the
world look forward to seeing such talented athletes. These games bring
excitement to all and build suspense as everyone representing their country
wants to bring home gold.

     The main purpose of this letter is to ask you to include a new game in the
2018 Olympic Games. Without further adieu I present you "Foot-Boarding."Two
of the most popular games at both the Winter Olympics and Summer Olympics
co-ed! Incorporating these two events would lead to great success.

     This I how I envision this unique sport. It will have similar rules to a game of
football, but with an interesting twist. Eleven players compete against each other
within an expanse of snow with yellow and blue sidelines. If the ball is thrown or
carried to the end zone it would equal six points, just like in football. Additional
points will be added to their score; if they perform a flip or double corkscrew,
while scoring a point. For example, if the quarterback snowboards with the ball
and does a 360 degrees turn while scoring, he would earn ten points. Three
points will be deducted if the throw is missed. Their uniforms will be an essential
part of their attire. The players will wear snowboarding goggles and helmets
with the matching colors of their team. Their snowboarding outfits would have
numbers and names on them to represent their country.

     Commissioners, imagine the fascinating and spectacular scene! Co-ed
football combined with snowboarding! Extravagant jumps and flips in the middle
of a football game would WOW spectators. This new, popular event would
make the the crowd bigger than ever! This would lead to millions of tickets
bought. The number of seats in the stadium would have to be expanded times
100 to accommodate the number of people. People all over the world will
fight for all the judging and refereeing jobs needed. This could lead to greater
revenues being given back to the host cities, a snow field, uniforms, tickets,
airplanes, and hotels will be bursting with so many people.

     I know you will consider "Foot-Boarding" to be one of the potentially
greatest sports of the 2018 Games. A versatile mind will establish this new and
original game and a huge crowd. This sport will accomplish everything.
Emma (6th grade)

Dear Olympic Board of Commissioners,

     I love watching the Olympics with my family in the summer and winter, and I think you do amazing work at your job.

     Now imagine: Tennis on ice!  I have invented a sport with that exact exciting combination.  I call it Tennis Skating!

     Let me explain how I see this new sport.  It will be ten points for a triple toe serve, and one point for a regular serve, like tennis.  Judges use regular tennis rules, and give extra points for figure skating tricks.  Athletes have to wear a tennis skirt and shirt, but they have to be sparkled or point are taken off!

     Every two years this sport could be played!  All athletes from all countries could participate, and that means more medals and more pride.  There would be special equipment and uniforms.  Popular sports lead to more spectators, which leads to more ticket sales, which leads to more money!!

     I remember when I was a child and loved to see new sports.  I hope other children will have my amazing experience.  Bring Tennis Skating to the Olympic Games, and make dreams come true!

                                        Sincerely, Ashley (3rd grade)

     The name of my NEW sport is BobSwim.  It combines bobsledding and swimming.

     There is only one person in the sled.  The rules are you have to flip three times to score 20 points.  Then go as fast as you can into the water!  Don't worry, the bobsled will float.  If you want to know how many points people have, look at the scoreboard.  The bobsleds have a bobcat on the sled, and wavy water lines.  The event is held at the beach, in Santa Cruz.  It's only for boys.

     My NEW sport is super awesome cool!

By Colin (2nd grade)

Would YOU watch any of these sports on TV?  Or would you try out for Team USA?  Feel free to leave a comment and let us know!

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