1. Name of our invention and brief description
2. Greater detail of how our invention would work
3. Whom it would help
4. Any interesting facts about our invention, including cost, color selection, sizes, etc.
5. A great conclusion!
The younger students wrote a sentence or two on the above outline ideas. The older students wrote a five paragraph persuasive essay. Enjoy these samples from across the grades!
The Magic Bear, by Alex (1st grade)
My invention is a Magic Bear. My stuffed magic bear would help me with my homework. To work the Magic Bear, twist the left arm. It would walk to your homework, then would do your homework. This invention would help children who don't want to do homework. It costs $2.00, and is brown. My Magic Bear would be cuddly and amazing!
The Hungry Me! by Danika (2nd grade)
My invention would be the Magic Food Folder. It would help hungry students doing homework. Here is how it would work. When you are hungry, turn it on by flipping the switch up. Next, press a code for the food you want. Then, your food will appear in ten seconds. This invention will keep students happy and full! The food dispenser comes in three sizes. It blends into the color of your wall. It costs $20, and it is an amazing invention!
Magic Claw Dust, by Nicole (3rd grade)
I've invented the "Magic Claw Dust." Kids get the toy they want out of any claw machines!
To make it work, put in your quarter and pour the claw dust on the control stick. Next, say what toy you want. Now watch as the claw instantly grabs what you want, and never drops it.
The Magic Claw Dust can help anyone who can't win something on a claw game.
You must do the steps in order, or it won't work.
It never drops your toy, even if it's super heavy. Sometimes it will even grab the toy you want PLUS another toy, and it never drops either of them!
My Magic Claw Dust is amazing! It is sure to have your eyes bugging out of your head! Never drop a prize again!
The Sibling Botherer! By Sarah (4th grade)
Do you have the desire to bother your sibling, but do not know how? Then the Sibling Botherer is the machine for you! It has a screen for you to type information about your sibling, and has a button to press to start annoying!
This is how it works. First, you find a sibling to bother. Then, you type information about your sibling on the keyboard. Next, press the blue button that says, "Annoy!" Finally, you just sit, relax, and laugh your heart out!
This machine promises to help you unless your sibling finds it. If your sibling finds it, then the table has turned!
The Sibling Botherer is shaped as a yellow smiley face about the size of your head. It is found in a secret room in every house with a child in it. The mouth of the face is the screen, and the keyboard for it is on the chin. The ON/OFF button is on the right eye. It only runs on laughs! It is so secretive, it is invisible to adults!
The Sibling Botherer will you have you laughing at your sibling's misery!

Imagine how many people go to a job
every day. They’re always tired and grumpy after their work. But a solution has
been found! An invention has been created--the Lunchbox for Laborers! This
astounding device would provide free food for workers between job assignments.
Designed as a large red lunchbox, it
would have many buttons on the inside lid. When you press a dial, a small
screen would appear. Typing in the snack you want, you would close the top and
secure it firmly with latches. Wait for three seconds, open the box, and…. voila! Free food!
This original creation would help
firefighters, policemen, social workers, employees, army soldiers, owners of
businesses, conservationists, construction workers, and scientists.
Picture this: a
fireman walks into a Jamba Juice after putting a blazing fire out, wanting a
fresh smoothie. Suddenly, an alarm sounds, a companion calls him back to work,
and he exits the shop without a nurturing snack! If only he had
the Lunchbox for Laborers! Without
one, the lack of energy could cause the laborers to perform their jobs poorly,
risk somebody’s life because of tired limbs, and appear fatigued at work the next
This stout square lunchbox would cost
$14. If you want your box to come in every color and shade, an extra $6 would
have to be paid, raising the price to $20. Brass latches hold down the red cover.