Enjoy these stories!
"Bumbo," by Julia (5th grade)
"Haha!" giggled some bunnies outside Bunny Burrow Boulevard. "Bumbo has big ears, let's say Cheers!" they chant the official chant of the decade, dedicated to Bumbo Brebolla, the bunny whose ears are as big as they get! But don't worry! Bumbo did not take it personally, as he might have five years ago! Let me tell you how this famous bunny's story goes!
It was a sunny and beautiful day, and Bumbo bunny was on his way home from school, when a note in a paper carrot shape flew toward him, followed by laughter and the sound of feet hopping away. He unfolded the note, although he did not need to know what it said and who wrote it. Benjamin Bunny, the meanest bunny on the block, frequently wrote notes, and they all said the same scrawled words: "Teacher's pet! You stink! Nobody wants you here!" Although he had seen it many times, his eyes filled with tears. His mother met him at the door, and said her usual greeting, "Not another note, Sweet Cabbage. Oh dear."
The following day, Bumbo received a letter. But not just any letter! It was a letter from Brock O'Bunny, the Bunny President, inviting Bumbo to the Orange House for a delicious gourmet meal and Photo Shoot! "Can I go, Mommy?" he asked sweetly but excitedly.
"My Sweet Cabbage, of course!" she screamed hopping up and down with excitement. We need to get you a new suit, dress shoes…" and she went on with a huge list of new things to get him.
When the big day came, Mama Bunny was hopping all over, making remarks like, "Remember your manners."
"Remember, your father would be proud," she said, embracing him and blinking back tears. When she finally let go, he scurried off to the bus calling, "Bye, Mommy!" over his shoulder.
When he arrived, he found the president standing outside the Orange House, in conversation with a handsome bunny with a news camera in hand. When he caught sight of Bumbo, he waved in a friendly manner. "Bumbo, I hope you aren't camera shy," he said, laughing at the excited look on Bumbo's face. "My name is Brock O'Bunny, your president!" he said. "We have a lot to discuss."
He surprised Bumbo by asking interview questions like, "What would you say to all the big-eared bunnies out there to inspire them?"
When it was time for Bumbo to go back to Bunny Burrow Boulevard, he told the president, "Thank you, Mr. O'Bunny. This was very fun. I hope I will see you soon. Good bye!"
"Actually, I was planning on visiting Bunny Burrow Boulevard next week. I will need a place to stay. If it is all right with your mother…." he was stopped mid-sentnece by a rumble of a private jet. The president smiled and continued. "If it is all right with your mother, I was hoping I could stay with you at your house? Also, you are taking a private jet back to your home."
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Bumbo shouted, smiling until his cheeks hurt. "See you next week! My mom will be fine with it! Good bye!" and Bumbo climbed into the jet on his way home.
As you can see, Bumbo then became a very famous bunny. Everybody, including Benjamin Bunny, respected him. In fact, Benjamin became his biggest admirer! Now the carrot note said: "Carrots are orange, cabbage is green. Let me know if you want a taco supreme! -Ben Bunny."
All in all, Bumbo became a very happy bunny.
"Surf," by Charlotte (4th grade)

Once upon a time, in a land far, far away…. there was a 10 year old sea monster named Surf. You see, Surf was not like other sea monsters. Surf, unlike his foul, man-eating dad, disliked the taste of humans. Surf's father desperately wanted poor Surf to devour everyone he saw.
It just so happened to be July 29th, the day before Surf's birthday. Surf was very excited. As a birthday gift, Surf hoped that his dad might not pressure him to eat people.
The next day, on July 30th, Surf swam (more like torpedoed) over to his dad. His father said, "Son, for your birthday, I would like to offer you a deal. Eat just one person, and you will never have to eat another person as long as you live."
Surf answered, "Deal!" and he devoured a very plump man swimming at a nearby beach.
"Yum!" Surf said. "I think I like people after all!" So he and his dad swam over to a nearby beach together and swallowed everyone with glee.
"Frodrick," by Lucy (4th grade)
One day on a farm, there was a chicken named Frodrick who only had one leg. He was very hungry.
"I'm getting hungry!" growled Frodrick. Then he spotted it: THE WORM! "Snack!" he croaked.
He zipped over to the worm. He thought the worm saw him because it looked like it was trying to get away.
Frodrick paused for a second, watching it struggle. The worm had a big, sad frown on his face. Frodrick thought he heard a tiny little voice calling, "Mom! Help me!" While Frodrick watched it wiggle, he heard the other chickens calling for him to get to church. He thought, "I better make it fast! Just one more hop!"
"Darn it, I stepped on my snack! Now it's not good for me to eat. I guess I'll go to church now," said the sad, sad chicken.
"Blaaaaa," said the worm, saying good bye to its last heart. (Worms have ten hearts).
"Butterfly Adventure," by Taryn (4th grade)
Once upon a time, there were two butterflies. One of the butterflies was called Butter. The other butterfly was called Mom Butterfly.
They were flying along, and then they came across a flower.
"Mom! Mom! Come on! I found a flower!" shouted Butter.
"Honey, it's a Venus Fly Trap!" said Mom. 'When you land on it, it's going to eat you! Now stay away!"
After her warning, Mom Butterfly flew away.
Suddenly, she stopped. Butter wasn't there flying beside her!
Butter had gone in the other direction. She was heading for the Venus Fly Trap!
"Now I know it's a flower!" Butter said confidently. "I know my mom is wrong!"
When she landed, she bounced on the flower. Then she bounced on it again! It was a flower after all! It smelled like cherry blossoms and had some nectar inside. The petals were so colorful and soft!
*The moral of the story is: Even if your mom says No, just do it. Just kidding!!*
"Fishing," by Samantha (3rd grade)
"Whistle, whistle!" went Bald Donald. He thought it was a glorious day to go fishing. He threw out his line. But as soon as the little worm went under water, he felt a massive tug!
As he pulled out the line…. he saw something AMAZING! Enough fish to make a shark happy for a year were hanging on each other by the tails.
All the little fish had angry scowls on their faces, except one small rainbow fish. She told him she would be his pet if he let all these poor fish go. He agreed, and brought home the little rainbow fish in a small fish bowl.
And from that day on, Bald Donald had a pet, a friend, and a companion.
"The Statue of Liberty," by Nick (2nd grade)

There once was a Statue of Liberty. He held his favorite flames. One day he let go of it. Then he jumped. He got it! He felt so happy to have his flames back once again.
"The Bunny," by Alex (1st grade)
Once upon a time a bunny was going to an ice cream man. Then he was going to see his friends. Then he dropped his ice cream on the ground and then he cried.
"The Man Who Climbed a Mountain" by Tyler (Kindergarten)
The man is standing on a mountain. He is looking down at a tree. It was hot that summer. He climbed to get a better view.