My returning students were very excited to play this On Demand Writing Game (think Monster Daw a few months back!) where they get instant feedback on the importance of descriptive language and adjectives! Here's how you play:
Step #1: Draw a snowman, complete with background and plenty of colors.
Step #2: Describe your snowman and scenery with adjectives that tell size, shape, color, and number. Make sure your writing can be read! Don't leave out a single detail, because....
Step #3: Trade papers, and draw your partner's snowman as they try to draw yours!
Winners were voted on by the class. Enjoy this set of amazing artwork and writing!
Kaia's Snowman (5th grade)
My snowman's head is separated from the body.
The snowman is on a green and gray slope that goes pu to about 1/3 of the paper. In the top right corner of the paper, there is a full moon with five different sized craters, and it is colored yellow, and then colored over in a thin layer of pencil. Below the moon there are two purple birds that look like v's. On the other side of the paper, there are two more purple v birds at the same height as the first two birds.
On the top of the hill, there is the snowman's body, but not hte head. First draw a medium-sized circle on top of the hill, then draw two circle buttons in the middle of the medium circle. Then draw the stick arms, but make sure they are painted diagonally to the ground. On top of the medium sized body, draw a bigger circle on top.
On the bottom of the big circle, draw a round button. Then outline all the body in purple. Then on the right side of the paper on the hill, draw a circle smaller than the medium circle. Then draw two coal eyes. Then draw a mouth with seven coal circles, and a carrot nose in yellow-orange, facing the right side of the page. Then outline the head in purple. Then on top of the head, draw a black top hat with a stripe of red.
Net, draw a pink flower on the left side of the page, then draw a smaller purple flower on the left side of the pink one.
Wow! Kaia was so detailed, and so very creative with her art! Her clear directions got her partner Aarushi (5th grade) to draw this near-perfect match!

Cora's Snowman (3rd grade)
This snowman has three snowballs stacked on top of each other: smallest on top, biggest on the bottom. The biggest one is a bit more oval-ish, but that was an accident.
The eyes are two big circles with smaller black circles inside. The black circles are slightly looking up but still not touching the bigger circle. The eyes are about thumb width apart.
The nose is a small-ish medium carrot that has no sharp corners. The carrot starts below the middle of the eyes, about halfway through the head in both directions. The carroti s facing the right side of the page. The nose has some lines in it, and is colored with yellow-orange.
The mouth is right under the nose and is pretty small. It is close, and softly smiling.
There is a kiwi green scarf that is in between the head and the middle snowball. The tie on the scarf is on the right tassles on the end. There are some shadows and shading around the scarf in pencil.
On the second ball there are two star buttons colored with pencil.
The arms are sticks that have pointy things on the end that look like fingers, but there are only three of them. The left arm is down and the right arm is up like it is waving. The left arm has two leaves and the right arm has one. The sticks are brown and the leaves are kiwi green
The third ball is blank but behind it is a bumpy line that looks like snow.
Wow! Cora's description is so clear that Marlo (4th grade) could draw this practical twin!
Joon's Snowman (4th grade)
My snowman has two circles, with a square on top. The bottom one is indigo, the middle is red, and the top has a blue top and black bottom.
In addition, the middle snowball has an indigo triangle and the bottom has three brown buttons, top to bottom.
There is a small red sun to the right, up above the snowman. There are tiny circles surrounding my snowman! Finally, my snowman has a green line under it, with a brown line under that, stretched to the sides of the paper.
From that clear description, Matthew (4th grade) was able to replicate Joon's snowman precisely!
Angela's Snowman (6th grade)
This snowman is in the middle of the paper, but the head of the snowman is the length of your middle finger away from the top of the paper, bascially meaning that it is a little higher than the middle to leave space for the ground. To begin with, a regular snowman's three body parts are usually smallest to biggest, top to bottom, but my snowman is biggest to smallest top to bottom. In the biggest circle, which is the head, there are two regular eyes the size of your pinky nail. For the nose, instead of a carrot, it is a 5-pointed star colored in sky blue, about the same size as the eyes. On the nose's left and right, there are small little circles in red for cheeks. For the mouth, there are eight small orange triangles to make a smile. On top of the whole head is a sky-blue star in the center, a little bit bigger than the nose.
The second body part is a circle slightly smaller than the head, with two star arms sticking out the same size as the star hat on top of the head. By the way, the stars are diagonal to resemble the regular stick arms. In the body are two green circles, a little smaller than the eyes.
In the last part/circle, the circle is smaller than the second one. A green button/circle is in the part, the same size as the first two. The rest of the snowman is colored in peach.
For the ground of orange snow, there are three violet purple stars the size of your pinky nail in the ground. First, draw a squiggly line under the snowman's bottom part for the ground. The stars are on the center top, bottom left and bottom right. There are three squiggly lines on the top left, top right, and bottom center. The rest of the ground is orange. There are six yellow stars in the sky, the same size as the star hat. Three are on the left, three are on the right. Make sure you scatter them. The rest of the sky is green, facing out on the top.
Wow! What detailed writing! These two girls have won this game before, and make an excellent reading and writing team. Here is Allison's (6th grade):
Audrey's Snowman (5th grade)
My snowman has three balls. All of them are about the size of your fist balled up. You will draw these with dark blue. Then shade them with light blue. The snowman is in the middle of the page. The first ball has nothing on it.
The second ball has three dark blue buttons. They are about the size of the eraser on your pencil. They are positioned vertically with space in between them for another button. Next there are two arms sticking out. They are dark brown. The arms are horizontal and the width is about the size of the buttons and the length is about an inch. You should have a shaded in rectangle when you're done.
The third ball is the face. There are two eyes that are also the same size as the buttons. They are black. Then draw a carrot for the nose. It is a right triangle. It is pointing to the right side of the paper. Next under the carrot, there are six pieces of goal arranged in a smile. On the outside of the third ball, there is a pair of green ear muffs. The ball part is even with the eyes. Draw a curved line above the head to connect them.
There is a house to the left of teh snowman. The house is a triangle on top of a square. The outline is brown. The house is the height of the first ball. There is a red door with a doorknob in the middles, and there are two blue windows with a cross in between. The triangle is shaded in with dark brown. The square is light brown.
There is a purple circle to the right of the snowman as a moon. There is a purple line as the ground under the snowman.
Audrey is a pro at this game, but Sheryl (5th grade) had never played before. Sheryl did a fabulous job reading Audrey's careful details; look at this match!
Congratulations to our winners!